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ARTESIA, NM -- FLETC Artesia training will resume on Tuesday, Oct. 22.

Homeland Security Law Training Program


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The Office of General Counsel is pleased to bring you the Homeland Security Law Training Program (HSLTP).

This site will be your single stop for registration and information.

To register, please fill out our registration form.  Someone from our office will verify your registration and confirm your seat at the training program. We look forward to seeing you there!


This training program will feature many of the topics of the previous HSLTP classes as well as improved agendas and the new website.



The estimated tuition rate is $83.87 and the miscellaneous cost for the upcoming Homeland Security Law Training Program (HSLTP) is $48.73 per day. The estimated miscellaneous rate will be based on the individual student arrival and departure dates. Please Note: the arrival date will be included in the cost but not the departure date. For Example: Arrive 9/23/18 and Depart 9/28/18; Billing Days = 5. If the student-attorney billing days are 5, the total miscellaneous cost will be $243.65. Estimated Tuition Rate + Miscellaneous Cost = Estimated HSLTP Total Cost $327.52 per student-attorney. Although, we cannot accept credit cards during registration, one of our financial specialists will contact your Component POC US government purchase card holder 45-days after attending training for payment.

Lodging for the FLETC Glynco Build/Lease Dorms is $58.50 per night and will be billed to your US government travel card; however, you will be provided a receipt/pre-invoice via email to complete your expense report. Check-in should occur on Sunday, September 23, 2018, and check-out on Friday, September 28, 2018. Therefore, the total cost for lodging would be for 5-nights $292.50 which will be paid using the payment site.

Please Note: In the past few HSLTP iterations, the FLETC Student Services Division has informed us due to the current and allocated student population student-attorneys were not able to stay on-center at the Build-Lease Dorms; therefore, all HSLTP student-attorneys were housed off-center at a local hotel.  If this occurs again and the hotel arrangements have been confirmed, we will send out an email with the details. In the meantime, please ensure your travel authorization includes the Brunswick, Glynn County per diem lodging rate (no lodging taxes).


Lodging Update:






September 24-28, 2018


Other Information

If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Tammy Fields, Management Analyst  (912) 267-2851

Jennifer Beuning, Program Analyst (912) 267-2441



  • Will housing be provided for the student-attorneys?
  • Student-attorneys will be provided housing. Housing will be provided in dormitory buildings on the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) Glynco site or off-site at a contract hotel. Presenters for the HSLTP will need to make their own lodging arrangements but a list of suggested local hotels will be provided.
  • How will I get from the airport to FLETC?
  • FLETC shuttle buses run from the Jacksonville International Airport and the Brunswick Airport to and from the FLETC. However, you will need to check the FLETC shuttle bus schedule for incoming and outgoing shuttle times. The FLETC airport shuttle bus schedule will be posted on the HSTLP website.
  • If a component agency elects to allow students to rent a vehicle, it is strongly recommended that students from the same component agency or office coordinate arrival and departure times so that the agency may elect to rent one vehicle for transportation during the program.
  • Due to the potential cost, we do not recommend taking a cab or any private shuttle from the Jacksonville Airport to FLETC.
  • How will I get around once I am on the FLETC?
  • FLETC has an on-site shuttle bus service. The shuttle buses run from the student dormitory buildings and contract hotels to either the Dining Facility (Bldg. 75) or the Main Class Building (Bldg. 216). A copy of the on-site FLETC Shuttle schedule and pick-up/drop-off points will be provided when you check in.
  • Please Note: Shuttles do not run from the Dining Facility (Bldg. 75) to the Main Class Building (Bldg. 216) except during inclement weather. The Dining Facility and Main Class Building are within a 5 to 10 minute walk.
  • What personal items should student-attorneys bring with them to the training program dormitory?
  • Student-attorneys should bring all personal toiletries (e.g., soap, shampoo, medication). The dormitories and contract hotels will provide towels and bedding.
  • Please Note: Hair dryers are provided in the dorm rooms.
  • Is the FLETC equipped with free Wi-Fi internet access?
  • Yes. Wi-Fi access is available at the FLETC. A week prior to arrival you will get an email issuing a user ID and password and Wi-Fi is available ONLY for government issued equipment (e.g., Laptop, IPhone, Tablet, etc.).
  • Please Note:
  • FLETC Wi-Fi is NOT to be used for personal electronic devices. This is a security issue. Additionally, cellular signal strength in the student dorm buildings is sometimes difficult to obtain. The problem involves building construction materials and the cell tower signal strength.
  • There are desktop computer labs at the FLETC facility that can provide access to the internet at no cost to students. There is a computer lab with internet access in Room 202 in Building 216 that is available during breaks. There are also computers with internet access available in the library in Building 262.
  • Students can bring their work laptop computers to the HSLTP, but we ask that you limit use of the laptop computer during HSLTP class time.
  • What meals are provided in the training program costs?
  • All meals will be at the student’s expense because students are on per-diem.Please Note: The FLETC dining facility will be available at the student’s expense on a cash basis.
  • Is there a dress code for the training program?
  • Yes. Business casual attire (slacks, polo shirt or button up shirt) is appropriate. Please keep in mind that this is a professional training program and senior members of DHS Agencies will be attending the training program as presenters.
  • A class photo will be taken. Business attire on that day is recommended but not required.
  • Please Note: As part of the program, opportunities will be provided for you to participate in orientation-based “hands-on” law enforcement training. These sessions occur mid-week in the program. We will notify you and recommend that you wear casual clothing like long jeans, sneakers and collarless shirts. Past students have indicated participation in these activities was fun and a highlight of the program.
  • Do I need to have a rental car or GOV at the training program?
  • You do not need to have a rental car or GOV to attend the training program. The classroom, dormitory, and dining facility at FLETC are centrally located on the campus and shuttle buses run at regular intervals during the weekdays. Students will not have access to FLETC GOV’s while attending the training program.
  • Again, it is strongly recommended that if your agency is going to approve the use of a rental car during the HSLTP, students from the same component agency/office coordinate arrival and departure times so that the agency may elect to rent one vehicle for transportation during the program.
  • Do I need any specific identification documents to gain entry onto FLETC-Glynco?
  • Yes. Student-attorneys with PIV identification badges should present those during check-in at Building 1 located outside the main gate on Chapel Crossing Road. Students should also bring any other government issued photo identification as well. Students-attorneys will be issued a FLETC Identification Badge for the duration of the training program. This identification badge must be worn at all times during the HSLTP.
  • If student-attorneys rent or drive a POV, a valid driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance will be needed to get a vehicle pass during check-in at Building # 1.
  • Please Note: The check-in process at the Building 1 can take anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes depending on the number of students checking-in, therefore please be patient.
  • “If student-attorneys rent or drive a POV, a valid driver’s license, registration and proof of insurance will be needed to get a vehicle pass during check-in at Building # 1.” This copy serves as proof of current registration and insurance. Bldg. 1 has numerous individuals attempting to register their rental vehicles, but did not have the required rental agreement in hand. It appears that rental companies do not provide this automatically – the renter will have to request the copy.
  • What should I do if I have an issue with my dormitory room?
  • Any questions or concerns with dorm rooms should be addressed to the dormitory clerk on duty at the front desk of the dormitory building or call 912-466-8212 or Extension 1000. If any problems are not resolved, please notify John Besselman, the HSLTP coordinator at 912-267-2693.
  • Will I have to mail the course materials back to my home office at my own expense or will the program cost cover that expense?
  • The cost of sending any course materials (e.g., binder, books, etc.) back to each student’s home or work address is included in the cost of the training program.
  • Please Note: We will need a physical address (home or work) to ship the materials. There must be a person present at that address to take possession of the box upon delivery. The shipping company will NOT deliver to a post office box or mail stop.
  • What is covered by the twenty dollars ($20) towards snacks?
  • Coffee, tea, sugar, creamer, soft drinks, bottled water, fruit and snacks will be purchased with a portion the $20. The remainder will help pay for the costs of the class cookout. If you have suggestions for food items or refreshments, we will try to accommodate any reasonable requests.
  • Where should I go when I get to FLETC?
  • Upon arrival, students should report to Building 1 (Chapel Crossing Road)) to obtain their Identification Badges, and car pass if necessary, and then report directly to their dormitory building lobby where they will get their room assignments and course materials. If students are housed off-center, you should report to the designated off-center hotel.
  • The main classroom for the program is Building #216, Room TBD.
  • I want to drive to FLETC. What is the physical address I can use to put into my GPS/navigation system?
  • The physical address to use for FLETC-Glynco is 1131 Chapel Crossing Road, Glynco, GA 31524.
  • I have special dietary restrictions. Will there be vegetarian or vegan options during the cookout, class dinner, and class luncheon?
  • Yes, if you will advise Tammy Fields ( or Schara Kerbo ( of your special dietary restrictions in advance, we will do our best to accommodate vegan or vegetarian requests.
  • Can I receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits for attending the HSLTP? 
  • Each student will need to file for CLE credit with their individual state bar associations to request credit for the HSLTP.  The Office of General Counsel for DHS and the Office of Chief Counsel for FLETC will maintain records of the course schedule, presenter biographies, course descriptions, and course materials (Power Points).  These materials will be provided at the conclusion of training (normally one-week later via email) for submission to any state bar association.
  • What is covered with my registration fee?
    Registration fees cover training program costs only. The registration fee can be paid by your agency government purchase card holder. Lodging costs will be paid by each student via their government travel card. This payment is required after check-out by the determined designated date (Exception: CIS and USCG students who are covered by an Interagency Agreement (IAA)). Receipts for the lodging costs will be emailed to each student to be included in their individual expense reports.