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FLETC Athletic Trainers

athletic trainers banner

Did you know that the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) have Athletic Trainers at the Artesia, Charleston and Glynco sites? In honor of National Athletic Training Month, held every March, ATs will be featured to spread awareness about the important work they do.

A certified AT is an Allied Health Professional, as recognized by the America Medical Association. They are highly qualified, multi-skilled professionals whose primary focus at FLETC is the prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute and chronic injuries. The ATs provide immediate stabilization, as well as treatment, targeted to keep students in training at their pre-injury level of function.

As part of their training, students are engaging in ballistic and dynamic movements with each other to learn the required suspect controls, which can result in injuries. An AT’s training and specialized experience allows them to appreciate the forces generated in the mat room, which can lead to significant injuries. They are trained to recognize concussions through the use of the SCAT-5 (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool). In addition, these activities can cause sprains, strains, dislocations and other injuries. FLETC ATs treat students who encounter these injuries by working hand-in-hand with the health unit and local physicians to sustain a high population of healthy and injury-free students in training. Keeping them in training not only helps the students, it is also cost efficient to agencies because injured students typically need to be recycled back through another training class.

ATs do more than triage student and staff injuries. They also serve as instructors, teaching in the FLETC fitness and tactical medical programs, as well as providing export training to state and local law enforcement officers. In addition, they monitor the heat stress conditions, provide management of heat related injuries, and notify staff of the annual heat stress in-service.

Having students in good physical condition is key to the health, wellness and readiness of future law enforcement professionals. The Athletic Trainers’ offices are located in the Physical Techniques Buildings of each Training Delivery Point and are always available to treat staff injuries.




Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers
Protocol & Communications Office
Contact: 912-267-2447