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ARTESIA, NM -- FLETC Artesia training will resume on Tuesday, Oct. 22.

Employment FAQs


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Read answers to the most frequently asked questions about employment opportunities at FLETC.

Every vacancy at the FLETC has specific requirements peculiar to that particular position. But there are certain criteria which you can examine to find out if you will even be initially considered for the position. This information is contained in a section of FLETC's vacancy announcements called the Area of Consideration (AOC). There are two basic Areas of Consideration with which you need to be familiar. Following is each AOC as it would appear in a FLETC vacancy announcement and an explanation:

A. Merit Promotion: Career and career-conditional employees of the Federal government and reinstatement eligible. This AOC limits the vacancy announcement to current and former employees of the Federal Civil Service. A person who is reinstatement eligible is one who has left the government but still maintains his status.

This AOC does have its exceptions, however. Those eligible under the Veteran's Readjustment Appointment Program (VRA) are not required to have status in order to apply for Merit Promotion positions up to and including the GS-11 level. The Office of Personnel Management's web page explains the VRA program and its requirements and limitations. Another exception to the status rule is the Direct Hire Authority to hire veterans with service-connected disabilities of 30% or more. There are also exceptions for those eligible under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please contact Jim Bryant at (912) 280-5179 after reading the rest of this information in order to discuss the FLETC's compliance with the ADA and how it can be of benefit to you. All of these exceptions require certain documentation, so please read each announcement carefully.

B. All Sources. All Sources is defined as anyone meeting the basic eligibility requirements of the announcement, regardless of government status. It is not limited to those outside of the federal government, as some assume; it is simply a separate AOC which allows those without status as well as those with status to apply. In fact, many who apply for a Merit Promotion vacancy also apply for the same vacancy which is advertised All Sources as well--but more about that later. The point is that if you do not have status and are not eligible to apply under a special program like VRA, the 30% Veteran's Program, or ADA, then you would apply for All Sources vacancy announcements. This is a very valid way of applying and allows people a chance to "get into" the federal government.

Many people will visit the FLETC's job announcement section and see what appears to be the same position advertised twice. On closer inspection, however, the two main differences become clear: first, the positions have different announcement numbers; second, the first position's AOC is Merit Promotion and the second position's AOC is All Sources. It is the FLETC's practice to allow selecting officials to choose which AOCs their jobs will have; therefore, it is common that a manager will opt to have his position open both Merit Promotion and All Sources. Because two separate sets of applications are being received, the files are kept separately and different announcement numbers must be assigned. In most cases these are consecutive, with the Merit Promotion announcement listed first (e.g. 98-159 and 98-160). This is not always the case, however, so be careful and make certain you see an All Sources announcement as well. If you are looking for an All Sources announcement and only see Merit Promotion, contact the FLETC's Personnel Office and ask if there is an accompanying All Sources announcement for that position.

Application Forms

There are three forms which are accepted by the FLETC for application purposes. The first is a Standard Form (SF) 171. The second is the Optional Form (OF) 612, which is a much shorter form; it more closely resembles a private industry application, being only front and back. And finally, a resume is also acceptable. Whatever is used must contain the required information in the "How to Apply" section as well as "Attachment One: What Your Resume or Application Must Contain" which are contained in every FLETC vacancy announcement. If you are applying for a Merit Promotion announcement, an SF-50 indicating status, your most recent performance appraisal, and the Job Elements (a.k.a. K.S.A.s) must be included in your application packet.

You will find more information about applying for Federal jobs as well as job announcements at the Office of Personnel Management's USAJOBS website.

The format of FLETC vacancy announcements

FLETC job announcements are divided into several sections: Job Information, Duties, Qualifications and Evaluation Criteria, Job Elements, and How To Apply.

A. Job Information: The first part of FLETC job announcements is the Job Information section. This includes information which you need to include on your application/resume, such as the Vacancy Announcement Number, Title, Series, and Grade. The first two are self-explanatory. The series requires a bit more elaboration, however. Each position in the federal government is assigned a three- or four-digit number which indicates the type of job it is. For instance, the 303 series encompasses general clerk positions, whereas 203 is the series for a personnel clerk. This also includes information for your reference, such as the closing date of the announcement. Keep in mind that application packets must be postmarked, not received, by the closing date of the announcement.

B. Duties: [Self-Explanatory]

C. Qualifications and Evaluation Criteria: This section of FLETC vacancy announcements indicates the minimum qualifications against which your application packet will be judged to determine if you meet the basic qualifications of the position.

D. Job Elements: Job Elements are also known as K.S.A.s (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) by some government agencies. These are simply elements of the job of which the applicant must have a knowledge or ability. The FLETC requires for Merit Promotion positions that these be answered on a separate sheet of paper, listing the element and then addressing it. It is best to go into great detail, as it can not be assumed that because you have held a position of a certain title you have performed certain duties which might be associated with that position. The duties and responsibilities must be stated explicitly in your application packet. Some people feel that they have addressed the elements already in their resume. However, the Job Elements must still be covered separately.

If it is determined that you engaged in improper or inappropriate conduct, you may be subject to discipline, including counseling, warnings, reprimands, suspension, transfer to another post of duty, or termination.

A manager will not be held individually liable in an administrative complaint.  However, the victim of discrimination may bring a civil action in court, and you could be held liable.

The names and telephone numbers of EEO counselors in your area should be posted in areas accessible to all employees, such as in break rooms or on bulletin boards.  If the names and numbers are not posted, contact your local EEO office.

You can find the latest FLETC employment opportunities by visiting This is the DHS web site which contains job openings and announcements for the Department of Homeland Security, including the FLETC. You may customize your searches for the types of jobs you are seeking.

Contact with a counselor must be made within 45 calendar days of the date you became aware of the alleged discrimination.

Department of Homeland Security policy and EEO regulations require that all employees fully cooperate during the complaint process.  Lack of cooperation may result in disciplinary action.

The resume should be written in 12-point font size. The font style should be clear and legible, preferably Arial or Times New Roman. The margins of the resume should be 1” on all sides. In order to ensure the resume meets the five-page limit, FLETC recommends creating the resume in a .doc file (i.e., using Microsoft Word) and then converting it into a .pdf file (i.e., using Adobe). Applicants may use the USAJobs Resume Builder but should be sure to verify the number of pages by viewing the print preview function of the Resume Builder before submitting.

Your resume will still be accepted, however, only the first five pages will be reviewed and considered for qualifications and eligibility. In other words, applicants will not be made ineligible if their resume exceeds the five- page limit; however, HCO will only refer those individuals who met the minimum qualifications within the first five pages of their resumes.

 If you have any questions, please contact the FLETC Job-Info email at or the HR Specialist identified on the specific announcement you are interested in applying for. FLETC will update this FAQ as more questions arise from applicants. Thank you.

A class complaint is a written complaint of discrimination filed on behalf of a class.  A class is a group of employees, former employees, or applicants for employment who allege, via a designated agent, that they have been, or are being, adversely affected by an employment practice that discriminates against the group because of their common race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability.

Retaliation, also referred to as reprisal, is the taking of any adverse action against an individual because of his or her prior participation in the EEO process or opposition to discriminatory practices.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:  (1)  submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; (2)  submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis of employment decisions affecting such individual; or (3)  such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Tailoring your resume to fit the needs of the position offers the best chance/opportunity for consideration. Here are a few suggestions to consider in that configuration:

  • Organize experience in reverse chronological order (latest experience first), as it relates to the experience needed for the position.
  • Include dates of employment, employer, position title, and series/grade for all prior federal positions (replace the latter with salary for all non-federal positions).
  • Utilize bullets rather than paragraphs to succinctly state experience.
  • Consider condensing or listing similar types of experience in bullet format by dates of employment, etc. and then outlining the experience that is shared between/among positions rather than using repetitive explanations for multiple positions.
  • Consider limiting training and certifications to those that current, relevant, and directly related to the position.
  • Prepare a separate list of professional and personal references to provide upon request to the hiring manager or interview panel rather than including on the resume.
  • Review the announcement and ensure your resume reflects the experience that is needed.
    • NOTE: The resume does not need to identify the specialized experience verbatim. FLETC does not use technology to screen for “key words” to determine qualifications. Rather, the review is conducted by a Human Resources Specialist and a Subject Matter Expert. Therefore, your resume should present your qualifications without using extraneous information or words intended to repeat the language in the job opportunity announcement.

As a manager, you should review the allegations promptly and take immediate appropriate action.  Appropriate action might include publicizing the Department's zero tolerance policy; providing training; taking disciplinary action against the harasser; monitoring the situation on an ongoing basis; and taking corrective action to place the victim in the position he/she would have had absent the alleged harassment.

Although the FLETC has vacancies for Training Instructors, there are numerous other vacancies at the FLETC at any given time. Some examples include support positions in the Personnel Division, Budget and Finance Division, Training Analysis and Coordination Division, and the many Training Divisions.

Following a pilot program to explore benefits and challenges of the five-page resume limit, Director Walters approved the implementation of the five-page resume limit for enterprise-wide use effective May 4, 2021. On that date the FLETC Human Capital Office (HCO) began incorporating standard instructional language regarding the five-page resume limitation in all FLETC job opportunity announcements.

All individuals are protected based on their race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, and disability or prior participation in the EEO process.  Although discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is not covered by Title VII, it is prohibited by an executive order and Department of Homeland Security rules of conduct.

This change offers significant benefits to the administration of FLETC’s hiring program by adding greater efficiency in the hiring process and encouraging candidates to focus on their specific qualifications and the experience they possess for the job they are competing for. By reducing the number of pages to be reviewed by selection panels, the resume page limit yields greater efficiency in that phase of the hiring process. The point of a resume is to give a glimpse of the applicant’s experience, skills, knowledge, and abilities as they relate to a specific job. Limiting the number of pages forces applicants to be discerning about the information they are putting forward for review and consideration. Limiting the number of pages is a common practice in the private sector and one that is being emulated in the public sector.